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ASN.1 Schema
Current schema files:  
Include tables that contain a summary of the schema files or modules, references to the types that are defined in a schema, and more.
Combine multiple input schema files into a single HTML page.
Add HTML features (for example, Collapse/Expand), to explore a schema interactively in the browser.
Delete all the ASN.1 comments present in the original ASN.1 schema.
In the summary page, include a table that lists all the cases in which the reformatting operation encountered a token or comment that was too long.
Modify the generated HTML files so that you can open them in Microsoft Word.
Interpret /** ... */ comments and tags like @class, @brief, and @param as Javadoc-style comments. The original comment is replaced with a text box with special formatting.
Insert the processed Javadoc-style comment after the assignment that owns it (by default, it is included before the assignment).
Page layout options:
Text enclosed within braces is formatted as an indented text block.
Each item of an ENUMERATED type is placed on a separate line.
Each symbol within an IMPORTS or EXPORTS clause is placed on a separate line.
Include a non-breaking space instead of a standard space character.
Insert a line number before each line.
Control the column widths in an HTML schema output. The HTML output is organized into five columns: identifier, type, OPTIONAL/DEFAULT, end-of-line comment, and end-of-line comment when an OPTIONAL or DEFAULT is present.
Represents the indentation of a continuation line (when line wrapping occurs).
Represents the indentation increment that occurs when an opening brace is placed at the end of a line.
Represents the indentation of the FROM keyword in an IMPORTS clause.
Represents the indentation of each symbol in an IMPORTS or EXPORTS clause when these symbols are placed on separate lines.
It is relevant when the input schema files contain tab characters.
HTML Document