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The ASN.1/C and ASN.1/Python Web Compilers convert an ASN.1 schema into C and Python source code, respectively. This allows you to create applications that encode, decode, and validate the data defined by the schema.
The compilers can be purchased via either a credit card or a wire transfer. After the purchase you will receive a license key via email with instructions how to register it under your account. Need help deciding which product you need? Contact us.
Annual Subscription
Enables advanced features and redistribution of the generated codec as part of an end-user application.
per user, per month (billed annually)
* volume discounts are available *
ASN.1/C Web
Annual Subscription
Enables advanced features and redistribution of the generated codec as part of an end-user application on standard platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac).
* volume discounts are available *
ASN.1/Python Free Commercial
Unlimited schema size
Samples with random values (useful for testing)
Generated codec namespace default customizable
Selection of schema types to generate code for top only any
Generated code watermark present removed
30 days use limit present removed
Code deployment
Commercial features of VS Code ASN.1 extension
Latest fixes and releases

*Refunds are not available for monthly subscriptions. Refunds are possible for annual subscriptions if the request for a refund is made within ten (10) days of the renewal date. All refunds are at OSS’ sole discretion.