asn.1 playground
Compile, Encode, Decode
Provide your schema or use a standard one to encode or decode your data.

schema analyzer
Improve your schema
Multiple rules across multiple categories to improve your schema.

nas playground
Decode NAS Messages
Troubleshoot your NAS messages by converting them from binary to text.

pki/der inspector
Inspect crypto data
Troubleshoot certificates, keys and other PKI data.

Python all-source encoder/decoder
Get the data bindings for your schema, encode, decode, validate your data.
ASN.1/Python presentation

cdr inspector
Call Data Records Decoder
Troubleshoot and validate telecom Charging Data Records and schemas. Various formats are supported.
CDR Inspector presentation

json/ schema2asn
Have JSON? Get ASN.1
Infer an ASN.1 schema from JSON with a few clicks.

Migrate Proto schema into ASN.1 schema
Try an international standard alternative for Google Protocol Buffers.

Microsoft VS Code extension
ASN.1 syntax highlighter, validator, with autocomplete, encode and decode, for Visual Studio Code.

Document your schema
Create an HTML document from your schema with a few clicks.
DESKTOP ASN.1 tools and compilers.
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